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Behold Bunbury, Western Australia: History, Culture, and Accidental Tourism

submitted on 11 June 2023 by

Why Bunbury? And Why Not?

Now, you may be asking yourself, "Why would I venture to Bunbury, Western Australia?" Well, maybe because you've already seen everything else worth seeing on this giant, dusty island. Or, maybe, like many Bunbury visitors, you accidentally booked accommodation here during that one evening when you mixed your whiskey with pain meds from a recent dental procedure. Whatever the reason, Bunbury beckons, and there's no turning back now. So, let's dive into the history, culture, and peculiar charm of this oft-forgotten corner of Down Under.

A Brief History of Bunbury, Minus the Boring Bits

Before European settlement, Bunbury was home to the Noongar Aboriginal people, who lived off the land and sea for more than 40,000 years. In 1829, Captain James Stirling, a British chap who was clearly terrible at naming things, founded the Swan River Colony and declared all land south of a line from Bunbury to Albany open for settlement. He named the area in honour of Lieutenant Henry William St. Pierre Bunbury, a man best known for his lifelong struggle against his own last name. As settlers arrived, Bunbury began to evolve into a bustling port town that shipped timber, wheat, and drunken sailors to far-off lands. A railway was built in 1891 to link Bunbury with Perth, and the town just kept growing from there. These days, Bunbury is the third-largest city in Western Australia, although that's a bit like being the third-tallest hobbit.

Culture and Curiosities: The Bunbury Experience

Bunbury may not be the cultural epicentre of Australia, but it has managed to cultivate a little charm along the way. From street art to the great outdoors, there's something for everyone. Well, maybe not everyone, but perhaps for the adventurous traveller with a penchant for obscure destinations.

Dolphins, Lighthouses, and Art, Oh My!

Surprisingly, Bunbury's coastline is a popular spot for wild dolphins. The Dolphin Discovery Centre allows you to swim with these fantastic creatures, or you can watch from a distance as they frolic in the shallows. You can also wonder why these highly intelligent animals choose to hang out in Bunbury instead of the more glamorous Gold Coast. For those who prefer their wildlife a little less intelligent and a lot more static, the Lighthouse Beach Park is home to a lighthouse that is, as far as lighthouses go, somewhat interesting. There's also a nearby shipwreck that you can snorkel around if you're into that sort of thing. Meanwhile, the Bunbury Regional Art Galleries provide a welcome dose of culture and sophistication. Housed in a former convent, the galleries showcase the work of local talent, proving that there's more to the town's creative scene than just the person who designed the city's roundabouts.

Australia's Tidiest Town: The Ultimate Accolade

Perhaps the greatest claim to fame for Bunbury is the fact that it was named Australia's Tidiest Town in 2000. So, if you're into cleanliness and order, this is the destination for you. However, if you're more interested in nightlife, your options are slightly more limited. The city's pubs and clubs cater to a clientele that seems to be permanently stuck in the early 2000s, but hey, at least you can relive your youth.

Back to Nature in the Leschenault Peninsula

For those who crave a little adventure, the Leschenault Peninsula Conservation Park provides the opportunity to explore a unique ecosystem. The park is home to a variety of bird species and even the elusive quokka, a marsupial that looks like a tiny, perpetually smiling kangaroo. The park offers plenty of walking trails and scenic views, making it a great place to contemplate why you're in Bunbury and not, say, Sydney.

Getting Out: The Escape Route

Should you feel the need to flee Bunbury and venture to more exciting pastures, the neighbouring Margaret River region is a popular wine-producing area. After a few glasses (or bottles) of local vino, you'll almost be able to convince yourself that you're in Tuscany and not Western Australia. In conclusion, Bunbury may not be the first choice for an Australian adventure, but it does offer a unique slice of life for those willing to explore it. From dolphin encounters to art galleries, there's a little something for everyone here. So next time you find yourself in Western Australia, give Bunbury a chance. After all, they do say that the best things in life are often found in the most unexpected places. Or, at least, that's what my therapist tells me.
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